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Save Notre Dame From Wreckovation

The diocese of Paris is preparing to “modernise” Notre-Dame.

In reality, the most famous of French cathedrals could be disfigured according to specialists.

We even fear that it will take on the appearance of an airport hall!

Please ask the apostolic administrator of the diocese of Paris, Mgr Pontier, to immediately renounce this project. Please sign the petition and share among your friends!


Sign This Petition
851 Supporters
Goal: 2000

Your Excellency,

I was astonished to learn of the project to modernize Notre Dame de Paris. Those who have heard of the project proposed by the diocese report that the temple could take on the hideous appearance of an airport or even a parking lot. A collaboration with artists known for their esoteric and erotic works is envisaged. According to a famous British newspaper, France’s most famous cathedral could look like a politically correct Disneyland. “The diocese wants to destroy what the fire spared,” denounced a hundred personalities, including Alain Finkielkraut and Stéphane Bern, in the columns of Le Figaro.

Notre Dame de Paris was built at a time when the “philosophy of the Gospel governed the States”, in the words of Pope Leo XIII. The art developed by the contemporaries of Suger and St. Louis speaks not only to the intellect but to the soul. The queen of cathedrals is a jewel box of beauty destined to receive the most sacred thing in the world: the holy sacrifice of the Mass. Its silhouette makes it immediately clear that it is a ship that leads souls to Heaven. Each of its stain-glass windows, statues and stones are dedicated to the glory of God. Today, Notre Dame’s harmony and sacrality is threatened by the diocese. Alas, this is only half a surprise.“In the 1960s, the French clergy interpreted the Second Vatican Council by implementing, in the name of dubious modernism, vandalism unheard of since the French Revolution,” rightly recalled Didier Rykner, president of La Tribune de l’Art.

Your Excellency, will Notre Dame be the next victim of post-conciliar vandalism? To bring “modernity” into this building would be to defile it. It would also offend the One to whom Notre Dame is consecrated and whose name it bears. I, therefore, ask you to put an immediate end to the project adopted by the diocese.

With the assurance of my profound respect,