May 16th 2023 – DUBLIN, Ireland – Many thousands of Irish Catholics celebrated the 106th anniversary of the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima by holding 530 Public Rosary Rallies nationwide. The May 13 rallies represent one of the most widespread public manifestations of the Faith in Ireland in recent years.
Irish Society for Christian Civilisation (ISFCC) and its Ireland Needs Fatima campaign organised these rosary rallies as a fitting way to answer Our Lady’s call to challenge the culture and resist the waves of sin and aberrations rocking the nation. While some rallies were small, others attracted over 200 people such as the one in Clonmel, Co. Tipperary.

The rallies in the public square were inspired by America Needs Fatima, which holds over 20,000 such events in the United States annually in October.
“We should never doubt the power of the Rosary,” Rosary Rally Coordinator Gregory Murphy said. “The whole world is in the middle of a decisive battle just as the Battle of Lepanto was decisive. The difference is that we know we will win because Our Lady at Fatima promised her Immaculate Heart will triumph. But she still wants us out in the public, converting souls and promoting the Rosary. The public Rosary Rallies are an effective way to do this.”
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According to Gregory, the Rosary Rally Captains were enthusiastic about their rally and loved how they were part of a wider campaign. “Even those rally captains who were only able to get a handful of attendees were not discouraged because they knew that every rally and every person added to the campaign.”

He concluded with an observation on hope and the devil. “The devil hates hope because hope is a key virtue for winning the battle. Hope is exactly what the Rosary Rallies gave to countless people across Ireland on the 13th and so we can really say that Our Lady smashed the head of the serpent today.”
Irish Society for Christian Civilisation is a sister organization of many autonomous societies for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP)