
Catholic History

A Magdalene of Our Times

Eve Lavallière, the stage name of Eugénie Fenoglio, was born in Toulon, France, on April 1, 1866. The second child and only daughter of Emile and Albanie Fenoglio, she later described her painful youth. “As a child, I knew not what the love and care of a mother was. My life was tears and suffering...

Why the Holy Innocents Are Martyrs Due to God’s Goodness

 By Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira  December 28, 2023                                                                                                                        The noted Abbot Prosper Guéranger comments on a passage from Saint Bernard’s Sermon of the Feast of the Holy Innocents. Saint Bernard notes: “In Saint Stephen, we have both the act and the desire of martyrdom; in Saint John, we have but the desire; in the...

Yes, Virginia, There Is a God

by Norman Fulkerson December 23, 2023 And therefore a Santa Claus! It has become a custom for practically every newspaper in America to reprint, during the Christmas season, the marvellous editorial, “Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus.” Since it first appeared in 18971, it has become an indelible part of the Christmas tradition in that...

The Origins of Devotion to Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Mount Carmel in Our Times Mount Carmel is the biblical site where the prophet Elias battled the 450 priests of Baal in a public spiritual contest which led to their defeat and ruin as Scriptures aptly recorded. (1 Kings 18:19-40). It was also here where Elias sent his servant seven times to the mountaintop to...

St. Patrick: Bishop & Confessor

The loyalty of the Irish people to the Faith and to the Holy See is the great monument to St. Patrick, their national Apostle.

The Conversion of Alphonse Ratisbonne

Alphonse Ratisbonne was a young Jew from a family of well-established bankers in Strasbourg, France. He also was socially prominent due to his wealth and blood-ties to the Rothschilds.

Incredible Miracle: U.S. Marine Saved by Saint Michael

This is the true story of a Marine wounded in Korea in 1950. Writing to his mother, he told her of a fascinating encounter he experienced in the war. Father Walter Muldy, a U.S. Navy chaplain who spoke to the young Marine and his mother as well as to the outfit commander, always affirmed the...

The Rosary Defeats God’s Enemies

The Rosary — as spiritual weapon against evil — has a very long and precious history. In twelfth and thirteenth century France, a group of heretics known as the Albigensians was destroying the minds of the Catholic laity with its erroneous ideas. The Albigensians’ teachings encouraged suicide, many times by self-induced starvation, because they believed...

26 Quotes by St. Therese of Lisieux

"[Jesus] does not call those who are worthy, but those He chooses to call."

Three Reasons the Church’s Enemies Hate the Immaculate Conception

I neglect my talents Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and...
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